Discount 🆕

Incentivize customers to leave a way greater number of reviews by discount. Encourage customers to redeem coupons from reviews for a significant increase in sales.

Who can use this feature?

This feature is available from Advanced plan.


Struggling with collecting reviews from buyers. For most of cases, customers will be more willing to leave reviews for benefits in exchange. The Discount feature from Air Reviews will help you with easily settings rules and customizing displays of discounts for shoppers who leave product reviews. Walk through this step-by-step guide to quickly set up your discounts.

1. Enable Email notifications

In order to send discount to after customers leave reviews, you need to enable Email notifications by following these steps:

Step 1: Head to 'Collect reviews' menu, and click Setup to access Email notifications.

Step 2: Make sure the toggle for whole feature - Notification (on the heading) is on.

Step 3: Then head to Discount usage notification and toggle this function on. Click on edit icon to customize your discount email template.

Step 4: Make necessary updates for the this discount email, including:

  • Discount notification's content: Subject and Button text

  • Discount expiration reminder's content: Subject, Button text and expiration dates.

By doing so, the discounts you offer reviewers will be sent to them automatically by email, with your customized content and expiration dates.

2. Access the feature

The next step is to get back to 'Collect reviews' feature group to access the Discount feature.

Click on 'Setup' button ‘Discount’ to start setting up your discounts for customers who leave reviews.

You should find your self in this screen - the overall screen of the Discount feature.

3. Set up sending method

Firstly, you decide when and where customers can receive discounts, options including:

  • Reviews must be published so reviewers can receive discount

  • Send discount via email right after reviews are created

  • Send discount right after customer reviewed via submit form (not recommended)

Let's explore key differences among these:

3.1. Reviews must be published so reviewers can receive discount

This sending method enables you to check the review one more time in Manage reviews and update the status to "Published" so that the buyer will receive the discount via email.

3.2. Send discount via email right after reviews are created

This sending method enables our system to automatically send discount via email to the reviewer after submission.

Refer to the screenshot below to preview the discount email that customer would receive for their reviews. You can edit the Subject line and button text of your letter at 1. Enable Email notifications

This sending method enables you to display discount from the customer end, right after their reviews submitted. Refer to the screenshot below to see in detailed:

Depends on your Submit form preset, the discount will be displayed in Collapsible or Popup style.

We do not recommend merchants to send customers discount right after their reviews submission because it can cause spammy reviews. You can review the reviews and update the approval status for them later.

4. Edit Submit form settings

In this setting section, you will be able to customize the discount message, including.

  • Color set up for: Pick the color you want for General text, Discount text, Background.

  • Submit form content: Enter the message for the discount in the Submit form. Don't forget to use our variables if needed. Click on "Add variable" to see details:

Edit these fields and take a look at the preview screen to double-check.

5. Discount type

In this section, you can choose whether to offer Same discount for all reviews or Different discount for photo reviews.

5.1. Same discount for all reviews

If you are going to offer Same discount for all reviews, just decide the discount type: Percentage/ Amount. Then enter the number for discount.

5.2. Different discount for photo reviews

If you are going to offer Different discount for photo reviews, beside deciding the discount type: Percentage/ Amount and entering the number for discount, you also need to enter a different message to attract customers to submit photo reviews for better benefits.

See details in the screenshot below.

If there are different discounts, only the higher-value discount will be sent to the customer.

6. Advanced settings

Click the arrow to expand this section and edit the advanced settings needed for your store.

Next, you can tick choose and update the specific requirements for each review type in the Condition section:

  • Text review: Number of characters required

  • Photo review: Number of photos required

You should set up the date for expiration to actively control the usage of discounts. Head to Expired date to set it up.

To define who can redeem the discount voucher, tick for your options in Customer eligibility, between:

  • All customers, or

  • Only customer who reviewed

Lastly, toggle the Combinations on enable customers to stack this discount for reviews with other discounts, including:

  • Product discounts

  • Order discounts

  • Shipping discounts

Tick on each checkbox to enable the combination with the that type of discount.

7. Save the progress

Finally, now you hit the Save button to ensure all changes will be successfully saved. Click on the primary button on the top right corner.


After some quicks settings, you can now incentivize reviewers with discounts. This feature will not only significantly boost your number of reviews collected but can also enhance your sales performance. If you still have further questions, don't hesitate to reach our to our support team right in the app - click on the right corner chat box and tell us more!

Last updated