Import reviews via marketplace

Want to bring in reviews from AliExpress to your Shopify store? With our app, it’s a breeze! Follow these simple steps to manually import reviews and boost your product credibility.

Who can use this feature?

This feature is available in all plans.

1. Access the Feature

In the left menu, select Collect reviews.

Click on Import reviews.

2. Select Your Product

Find the product you want to import reviews for and click the "Import Reviews" button.

Grab the link from the AliExpress product page that has the reviews you want.

Paste it in and customize any settings for your product.

Note: The "Skip duplicate content" option only checks for duplicates if your product has fewer than 100 reviews.

4. Import and Manage Reviews

Click the "Import" button. Once the import is complete, go to "Manage Reviews" to see the newly imported reviews.

That’s all there is to it! Importing reviews manually from AliExpress is quick and easy, helping you build trust with new customers by showcasing real feedback!

Last updated