How to configure your first frequently bought together offer?

Hello there! Let's learn how to boost your sales by offering products that are frequently bought together at a discounted price. Here's a simple guide to help you set it up.

1. Creating a 'Frequently Bought Together' Offer

Firstly, please find and click the 'Select' button under the 'Frequently Bought Together' section to create your offer.

2. General Settings

To make it easier for you to manage your offers, you can change the 'Offer Name'. Don't worry, your customers won't see this name.

3. Setting the Trigger Conditions

3.1. Click the 'Browse' button to select the products you wish to apply the offer to.

3.2. Tick the boxes next to the desired products and click the 'Select' button in the 'Select Product' pop-up.

4. Adding the Offer

4.1. Selecting Offer Products

Similar to the 'Trigger Conditions', click the 'Browse' button and choose the products you want to display in 'Select Offer Products'. You can select a maximum of 10 offer products.

4.2. Setting the Discount

Enable the 'Discount' feature to use it.

You can select the discount for offer products:

  • Percentage/Fixed amount: Enter the value you wish to discount.

  • Free shipping: Tick to offer free shipping for the products.

4.3. Placement

The offer will be displayed as a pop-up or inline on the 'Product Page' or 'Cart Page' according to your setup.

  • Offer Title: You can use the variable {{value_discount}} to display the discount value.

  • Offer Description: Feel free to change the text as you wish and use the variable {{value_discount}} to display the discount value.

To set up the position of the inline offer (applicable for theme OS 2.0), please click the hyperlink Online Store -> Customize -> Product page or navigate to 'Online Store' > Choose 'Customize' at 'Current Theme' > Choose 'Product Page'

Choose 'Add Block' at the position you prefer.

Choose 'Avada Inline Offer' and click 'Save' to apply the changes.

4.4. Redirects for 'Add to Cart' Action

Tick to select the location you want to redirect to when the 'Add to Cart' button is clicked.

5. Advanced Settings

5.1. Countdown Timer

Tick 'Show Countdown Timer' to display a countdown timer on the upsell offer.

  • 'Countdown Timer': Enter the time to start the countdown.

  • 'Countdown Text': Enter the countdown text.

5.2. Setting the Offer Display Time

You can change the time for the offer to be hidden for a certain period to avoid spamming.

5.3. Active Dates

Set the start and end times for the offer.

  • Start Dates: The offer will be displayed and effective from the date you set in 'Start Date'.

  • End Date: The offer will be hidden from the time you set in 'End Date'. Remember to tick 'Set End Date' to set up the 'End Date'.

You can track these settings on the 'Preview' screen on the right.

That's it! You're all set. Happy selling!

Last updated