How to configure your first product fixed bundle offer?

A Product Fixed Bundle lets you combine multiple items into one bundle, sold as a single product. This guide will take you through the process of creating this bundle which encourages customers to buy more at once by offering a discount price.

1. Create Your Product Fixed Bundle

Step 1: Choose offer type

Start by navigating to the 'Select offer type' page in the app. Then, you will select Product fixed bundle from the list of offer types.

Step 2: Set-up offer tittle

Next, give your offer a clear and descriptive name so customers understand what the bundle includes and offers. This name is required and cannot match any other product name in your store.

Step 3: Choose applicable products

(3.1) Select product

(3.1.1) Click on the 'Browse' button to select the products you want to apply this offer to.

(3.1.2) When the pop-up displays, tick the box next to the desired product. Then click on the 'Select' button in the bottom-right corner of the pop-up.

However, if you want customers to have different options for two or more identical products, simply select that product and then duplicate it to create an additional choice for customers.

(3.2) Duplicate product


If you want to sell two 'Moonflower Bullet Journal' items together, allowing customers to choose any color and page type as long as they buy two, you will take those step:

  • Select the product 'Moonflower Bullet Journal'

  • Choose 'Duplicate product' after clicking 'More actions' button on that product line

(3.3) Adjust option

(3.3.1) Click on an option value for each product to select or deselect it. A selected value will have a black background, while an unselected one will have a white background.

The bundle must meet these conditions:

(3.3.2) The components and options selected by the customer will be displayed on the right side of the screen and will be automatically calculated. If the conditions are not met, the system will display an error message in the 'Component' section.

(3.4) Adjust product quantity

Enter the quantity of the product that will be included in the bundle if you require customers to select the same option for that product with a specific quantity.

(3.5) Rename option

(3.5.1) Click on the 'Rename' button on the option line of the product

(3.5.2) Fill the option name to ensure it doesn't match any others in the bundle. Or else, the system will display an error message. Once corrected, click "Save" to apply the changes.

(3.6) Arrange product order

Rearrange the order of products if you want customers to choose options for a specific product first by dragging and dropping the product card in the highlighted area.

4. Set-up Active Date and Countdown Timer

You can set up the active date for your offer as needed by choosing the start date. If the offer has an end date, check the box for "Set end date" and select the end time.

To display a countdown on storefront, enable the toggle on the countdown timer and fill in the countdown text field. The countdown time is calculated by subtracting the start date from the end date.

5. Update Bundle Information in Shopify Admin

After saving the bundle in Avada Upsell, click "View on Shopify" to update bundle information.

Here, you can edit all the details just like a regular product. Any changes made will sync bidirectionally between Shopify Admin and our app, ensuring that there are no discrepancies in pricing or inventory.

Finalizing the Setup for Product Fixed Bundle

After completing these steps, review your bundle settings and how bundle appears on your storefront to ensure everything is accurate.

Your customers will enjoy an appealing package deal that encourages them to buy more items at once. If you need any assistance or run into issues, please contact our support team for help.

Last updated