Widget settings

Discover how to customize the Joy Subscriptions widget, enabling you to tailor the layout and settings for each product, enhancing both the user experience and subscription conversion rates.


Joy Subscriptions widget is a key feature that allows customers to choose subscription plans directly from your product pages. Customizing this widget to fit your store's design and user experience is essential for optimizing conversions and enhancing customer satisfaction.

Understanding the Rule

Editing the Joy Subscriptions widget involves customizing its layout and configuration to align with your store’s aesthetics and functionality. The widget settings you choose will apply only to the specific product you're editing, not to all products in your store. This flexibility allows you to tailor the widget for each product individually, providing a unique experience for your customers based on the product type or target audience.

How to Edit

To edit the widget settings, follow these steps: Open Joy Subscriptions app > Subscriptions Product > choose the product for which you want to edit the widget > click on "Widget Setting" to access the customization options.

In the widget settings, you can customize your widget by adjusting the following parameters:


In this section, you can choose the layout that best fits your store. Currently, there are three layouts available for selection.

Note: The layout you choose will apply only to the specific product selected, not across the entire Joy Subscriptions system. This means you can choose different layouts for different products, allowing for a non-uniform layout design across your subscription products.


This section allows you to configure the display order of information fields within the widget:

  • Show Subscription Option Before One-time Purchase: If enabled, subscription plans will be displayed before the one-time purchase option on the product page.

  • Default Purchase Options: Set which purchase option (subscription or one-time purchase) is selected by default when the customer views the product.

  • Default Subscription Plan: Choose the default subscription plan that will be pre-selected for customers if they opt for a subscription.

Are you looking to customize the Subscriptions widget to match your own design style? Is this possible? Absolutely! Don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you with the customization.


By customizing the Joy Subscriptions widget, you can enhance the user experience and potentially increase subscription sign-ups. Each product can have a unique widget layout and configuration, allowing you to cater to different customer needs and preferences effectively. Remember, the flexibility provided by these settings can help you optimize your store's conversion rates by aligning the widget with your overall brand strategy.

Last updated