
Find answers for your questions about Avada SEO Suite

General questions

Does SEO Suite slow down my website speed?

Avada SEO Suite does add some codes into your theme, but it will not affect your website speed at all.

For example: The following code you see added by Avada SEO Suite:

On theme.liquid there is a section of:

{% include 'avada-seo' %}

It is used to optimize your website structure and make it Google-friendly. Our app does not add CSS, JS into your theme so it cannot affect your website speed. Please check other apps that add CSS, JS codes to your storefront, they likely affect your site speed.

Moreover, we make your site load faster by optimizing images and using instant page technology. You can test it by uninstalling SEO Suite and compare the speed after that. (Test speed by this tool: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/)

What should I do if I change theme?
  1. Go to Settings -> Apps settings

  2. Click Republish so that Avada SEO Suite stays updated to new changes.

    What should I do if I change theme
Questions about pricing?
Does Avada SEO Suites support headless?

Currently, our app integrates and supports the Online store channel only. We do not support headless custom storefronts.

How many words should you have in a page?

There's no ideal word count in a page for best SEO. Focus on creating high-quality, comprehensive content that thoroughly covers your topic and satisfies the user's search intent.

How many H1 should a pge contain?

A webpage should generally contain only one H1 tag. This is because the H1 tag is typically used to indicate the main topic or title of the page, and having multiple H1 tags can confuse search engines and dilute the focus of your content.

Why can't I access the app?

If you cannot access the app, there could be one of the following reasons:

  • Our app requires further access scopes and you as a staff member who cannot grant this access will make the app inaccessible. Inform the owner of this to grant extra access if needed.

  • Our app has a problem on our end. You can contact our live chat support so that we can sync with you our app status.

Why my site is not yet indexed on Google?

It can take time for Google to index your page; allow at least a week after submitting a sitemap or a submit-to-index request before assuming a problem. If your page or site change is recent, check back in a week to see if it is still missing. Try to search site:mysite.com to see all results from your domain.

Technical SEO questions

What should I do when feeds are disaproved after using image optimization?

There are some cases when the feeds are disapproved by Google Merchant, Google Shopping Campaign, and Google Display

So, what do you do in such a case?

Actually, this issue is caused by the changed format of images after optimization. However, SEO Suite app-only compresses your images, not resize or change image format. In fact, the images are uploaded in the original format.

Another case is that you use the filename optimization, which will change the path of your existing images. However, the old images will not be deleted immediately by Shopify. It will stay available for about 2 weeks, enough time for Google Merchant Center to crawl the new image links from your store.

The error you got with Google Merchant seems to be the general issue that many other sites experienced.

Please check these links to understand more about it and see how Google advises you to fix the issue.


How to verify my store on Google Search Console?
How duplicated preloader may affect my site?

What is a Preloader, Instant Page loader?

When people on your site browse on the store, hovering links on desktop and mobile, people expect the next page they go to will load as fast as it can. So, making sure that the loading time of a page is fast may give an edge.

Amazon and others found that removing 100 milliseconds of latency improves sales by 1% The idea is that there is a significant delay between hovering over a link and clicking that link. Say it takes you 300ms of delay. That 300ms could have been spent preloading the next page. And if you do use that time preloading, that page loads that much faster.

The preloaders would load the page content before users want to visit, so when they actually do, the page is served from the cache instantly which would improve user experience.

What if I have more than 1 page preloader?

The fact that you need preloaders for your site, but probably only need one. No need to preload the page a couple of times in a row. Which will turn out to waste network resources. So if you have more than 1, you should be considering to choose one active only. If not, there would be a race on preloading pages on your site in the background.

How long does SEO Suite optimize my images?

Usually, it takes hours depending on how many images you have on your website. The maximum time is around 10 hours.

You can see the estimated processing time on the Image Optimization page.

You can set up email notification to get email when the image optimization process is done.

How to check Alt Image?

You can check the Alt image in the Storefront, but a few themes do not support the Alt tag to show in the Image.

  • Go to your website

  • Right click -> Click Inspect -> Elements

  • Find an image in the content, if you see an image with alt as you configured.

    How to check Alt Image

You can also check in Shopify admin.

  • Go to Products -> All Products

  • Right click -> Click Inspect -> Element

    How to check Alt Image
How to set up my social network information in Search results?
  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

    Information about your organization, such as your logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, and company identifiers.
    Information about your social network will be in Organization rich result

  • In the "Organization", click Turn on

  • Click Configure to set up your social network link

  • Click Save

Learn more about Rich result.

How to optimize images that are not from product page, collection page or blog post?

All images that are product pages, collection pages or blog posts are in the Asset file.

  1. In customized mode of speed up, click Settings

  2. Assets optimization -> Turn on assets optimization

  3. Click Speed up to start optimize images in asset files.

Will the meta tags settings in Avada SEO Suite change the search engine listing settings in Shopify?

If you're using Meta tags settings in Search appearance, it won't change the settings in Shopify. If you're using Meta tags settings in On-page audit, it will change the settings in Shopify.

Website performance

How to enable speed up for my site?
  1. In app, go to Speed up in menu.

  2. Select mode: auto modes and custom mode you want to speed up. If you select custom mode, click Settings to customize your mode.

  3. Click Speed up to start speeding up your store.

Learn more about Speed up.

PageSpeed Insight vs Real-user. Which should I use?

Lighthouse’s scoring criteria have their limitations. They fail to represent real-world user experiences, leading to confusion and frustration, such as:

  • The audit is taken place on a low network, and device condition, which resulted in an unparalleled report, not reflecting how user actually loading the site. It may sometimes cause you to falsely comprehend your site speed.

  • Only able to audit with a few certain pages. Caused unbiased report.

Sometimes, Lighthouse's scoring comes in handy when your store is just starting off the development, but after the launch, bad user experience reports may later on hurt your conversion rate silently. Meanwhile, the RUM captures actual interactions and experiences from real users. This provides a fuller understanding of how your website performs in the real world. This includes all the variations of connection types, device types, locations, and browsers. With this approach, you can optimize your store performance which directly improve your store user experience.

It is still better to have a deep-dive audit of your site leveraging all possible tools up the sleeves, not just one single metric or report.

On PageSpeed Insight, it is showing loading time of my site much slower than what I experience on my device?

Because the PageSpeed Insight tests the site on a throttle slow 4g network, low CPU device, that is why you see the difference. If you check the RUM data and find that your users are mostly using a 4g+ connection, then there is no such worry.

On the other hand, if your customers are mostly using slow connections, they are less likely to purchase from your end. It is still better to improve the website performance on the worst scenario to gain more potential customers.

My Google PageSpeed is still too low, why is that?

It may sometimes confuse you that the website PageSpeed score is not increasing much.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that the PageSpeed score is quite a lab metric, audited in throttled condition. You should not always aim for that specifically. Since content is still king to Search Engines, only when it comes to neck-to-neck website quality that Google rank the website based on the PageSpeed score.

But we are in eCommerce, we are here to gain traffic and convert it. Not doing so well without each component. So having bad metrics website will result in hurting your conversion rate and ROI for ads. You should combine both PageSpeed stats and Real User Performance data from Shopify admin to improve your site's metrics such as Largest Contentful Paint, and First Contentful Paint impacts your customer's experience much more, which later on improves your CR.

Why I have done things but the RUM metrics in Shopify like Loading time is not yet improved?

Since the RUM is Real User Monitor metrics, it is collected by page loads from user, real device. So it will not reflect right away via the overall number.

If you hit the details session page loads, you may find the chart is reflecting the result. It may take time, stay tune. In case you need further support, feel free to reach out to us.

Why should I choose throttling level?

By default, when you want to measure your Lighthouse score, you are auditing your site performance under the throttled network condition as a slow 4G, or 3G connection, along with throttled CPU power equivalent to the low-end, or mid-end device. With this audit scenario, Google wants to target mostly everyone to have a good experience even under a not-so-good condition. However, sometimes, your audiences are in a country with a 5g connection, using a high-end device like an iPhone, which will lessen your concern regarding this throttled audit result. You may want to try out different throttling conditions to see if your site is performing well to your targeted audiences.


What do I need to do after uninstalling app?

Please note, in some cases, when the app is removed from your Shopify store, our code might remain but will be disabled. This happens because we lose access to the theme files immediately when you uninstall our app.

Follow these steps to manually remove snippets or remaining code.

Step 1: Remove Block Avada-SEO

  • Go "Online store" -> "Themes"

  • In your current theme, click Edit code

    how to remove code after uninstalling
  • Find theme.liquid file

  • Find code block with name Added by AVADA SEO Suite and remove it

  • If you've enabled Minification, find avada-seo-original and delete those code blocks

    how to remove code after uninstalling 3

    how to remove code after uninstalling 4
  • Check files below the Snippets directory of your theme and delete them

    how to remove code after uninstalling 5

Step 2: Remove search.avada-seo.liquid

  • Go "Online store" -> "Themes"

  • In your current, click Edit code

  • Find search.avada-seo.liquid file and delete it.

    how to remove code after uninstalling 6

Step 3: Remove the Asset

  • Go "Online store" -> "Themes"

  • Find "AVADA Assets - DO NOT REMOVE" and click Remove

    how to remove code after uninstalling 7

Step 4: Remove AVADA collection

  • Go to Collectiom

  • Select collection AVADA - Best Sellers

  • Click More action

  • Click Delete collection

Step 5 (optional): Remove HTML Sitemap Pages

If you have activated our HTML sitemap, delete sitemap generated by Avada.

  • Go to Online store -> Pages

  • Find pages HTML Powered by AVADA

    how to remove code after uninstalling 8

To ensure these pages are removed from our app, please double-check website URL and handle. They might include 'avada sitemap'.

Can I get back the Shopify original meta title and description after uninstalling?

Once you follow the above guide on uninstalling the app. The original Shopify meta title and description will be available again since the theme code will use Shopify meta title and description by default.

Last updated