
Some examples of image alt and filename for you to take reference

1. Image Alt examplesโ€‹

1.1 Product Image Altโ€‹

Support variables: {{ product.title }}, {{ product.product_type }}, {{ product.vendor }}, {{ product.tags }}, {{ shop.name }}, {{ shop.domain }}


{{ product.title }} {{ shop.name }}

1.2 Collection Image Altโ€‹

Support variables: {{ collection.title }}, {{ shop.name }}, {{ shop.domain }}


{{ collection.title }} {{ shop.name }}

1.3 Blog Post Image Altโ€‹

Support variables: {{ article.title }}, {{ article.author }}, {{ article.tags }}, {{ shop.name }}, {{ shop.domain }}

{{ article.title }} {{ shop.name }}

2. Image Filename examplesโ€‹

It will slugify automatically. For example, the text is : Summer T-shirt by Smile, so the filename will be summer-t-shirt-smile

2.1 Product Image Filenameโ€‹

Support variables: {{ product.title }}, {{ product.product_type }}, {{ product.vendor }}, {{ product.tags }}, {{ shop.name }}, {{ shop.domain }}


{{ product.title }} {{ product.tags }}
{{ product.title }}
{{ product.title }} {{ shop.name }}
{{ product.title }} by {{ shop.name }}

2.2 Collection Image Filenameโ€‹

Support variables: {{ collection.title }}, {{ shop.name }}, {{ shop.domain }}


{{ collection.title }} 
{{ collection.title }} {{ shop.name }}
{{ collection.title }} by {{ shop.name }}

2.3 Blog Post Image Filenameโ€‹

Support variables: {{ article.title }}, {{ article.author }}, {{ article.tags }}, {{ shop.name }}, {{ shop.domain }}


{{ article.title }} {{ article.tags }}
{{ article.title }} 
{{ article.title }} {{ shop.name }}
{{ article.title }} by {{ shop.name }}
{{ article.title }} {{ article.author }}

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