
Optimize how images shows on search results

Who can use this feature?

  • Image alt optimization is available for all users.

Optimizing images helps search engines understand and index your images, boosting your store's visibility.

We help automate this process by enhancing your image alt text, making your products more discoverable in search results.

  1. Go to Search appearance -> Image

  2. Turn on Image alt

  3. Optimization mode is automation. Automation mode will optimize your images with our best practices and overwrite your existing data. Click Edit -> Select Customization if you want to customize optimization settings.

    Set up alt for your images in Product, Collection, Blog post and other.

    Click </> to use variants.

  4. Select which images you want to optimize

  5. Click Optimize now to start optimizing.

After optimization, you can check on total optimize images with its details.

In Image SEO results, you can check results of each image.

Last updated