Keyword research
Discover the right terms with our Keyword Research guide helps you effectively target your audience
Who can use this feature?
This feature is available for Pro and Enterprise all users.
A. Related keyword
What is this and how does it help?
This helps find more keywords which are related to your main keywords.
Go to SEO audit -> Select a page -> Enter main keyword -> Check related keywords below.
You can add, remove related keywords or click Find more to get more suggestions.
Related keywords are filtered in different colors by search volume and keyword difficulty (competitor). Keywords with high search volume will be placed first.
Green - Competitor: Low -> Few competitors rank for that keyword
Yellow - Competitor: Medium -> Medium amount of competitors rank for that keyword
Red - Competitor: High -> Most competitors rank for that keyword
Include related keywords in your content at 0.5-1% density.
This helps search engines understand your topic better and may improve rankings.
You can check related keywords density right in checklist for Content SEO.
B. Find keyword
What is this and how does it help?
This tool helps you find more keywords that are related to your website.
You can also take advantage of Google Trends to have a complete view on your topic.
Google Trend is a free service that helps you see what’s trending across Google Search, Google News and YouTube.
It's like a popularity chart for words people type in Google search.
It shows which words, like 'sunflower' or 'roses,' are getting searched a lot. This can help you find the keywords that people want to read about or buy.
Learn the Google Trends lesson.
How Find keywords works
In "On-page SEO audit", select your page and click Find keywords.
Let's take an overall to look to know what you have in Find keywords and what you can do.
There're 3 main parts in Find keywords:
Your main keyword
Your main keyword's analytics. This helps you make a good decision in your SEO strategy.
Related keywords. This helps you to easily identify other potential keywords your page content can aim at.
With Find keyword, you can filter your keyword by countries and add related keywords to compare with your main keywords.
C. Keyword density
What is this and how does it help?
Keyword density is the number of times a keyword appears in your web content. It is often calculated as a percentage to total words.
It is recommended using approximately 1-2 keyword for every 100 words of copy. That is about 1-2% keyword density.
Keyword stuffing is the practice of writing many keywords in the content to trick Google search engines. This black-hat no longer works.
Place keywords in important places: Put your main keywords in prominent but natural positions (e.g., Title tag, H1, Meta description, etc.)
This tools helps you identify your keyword density and keep it enough for your website.
How Keyword density work?
In "On-page SEO audit", select your page and click View details.
Let's take an overall look to see what you have and what you can do.
1. Find top keywords with high density
Top keywords with highest density are first listed in Keyword cloud
In detailed report, you can click on density to sort keywords from highest density
2. Exclude keywords
Excluding keywords means that we won't include those keywords in reports.
Usually, exluded keywords are stop word. They're commonly used words like "and," "the," "but," "how," "or," "what," "when," which search engines typically ignore when indexing content for search results.
Click ⚙️
Exclude keywords
We already have a list of stop words. Click
Download icon
to download file and checkThen fill in words you want to exclude. Separate them by a line break (click
)Click Save to save your words.
Click Re-scan to check your new keyword list
3. Search keywords
In detailed report, you can search for exact keywords.
In search bar, type in your keyword
You can filter keywords by sorting
4. Export keywords
Click Export download your keyword density keyword
Check your file for more information.
If you're searching specific keywords or sorting keywords, export file will include only filtered keywords.
Last updated