Rich results

List of rich results on Search your Shopify website can be eligible for

1. Organization

Information about your organization, such as your logo, legal name of the organization, address, contact information, and company identifiers. This information can show up in knowledge panels and other visual elements.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Organization", click Turn on

  • Click Configure to set up your content which includes: store information and social network link.

  • Click Save

2. Rating & reviews

A short excerpt of a review or a rating from a review website, usually an average of the combined rating scores from reviewers.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Rating & reviews", click Turn on

  • Click More options 🔽 to select a review app to show your reviews.

    All reviews from review app will be eligible for Review rich results.

    We support these review apps: Air reviews,, Growave, Ali Reviews and Loox.

3. Product & collection

Product information are displayed in richer ways in search results: price, availability, review ratings, shipping information, and more.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Product & collection", click Turn on

  • Click Configure 🔽 to edit your product information

  • Click Save

Product information

  • Price valid until: Set an expired date your product price. Which can be flash sale or seasonal discount

  • Handling time: Time to process order includes preparing and shipping an order to a customer

  • Transit time (delivery time): Time to deliver order to customer's place

  • Return fees: Fees you need to pay when customer want to return order

    • Return fee customer responsibility: Customer need to pay when they return

4. Breadcrumb

A breadcrumb on a page indicates the page's position in the site hierarchy, and it may help users understand and explore a site effectively.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Breadcrumb", click Turn on

  • Click View Google Snippet to check rich results can be generated by your page

5. Local business

Show more information about your store such as address, store location, opening hours,... on the search results page.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Local business", click Turn on

  • Click Configure to set up store information which includes: store name, address, etc.

  • Click Save

This provides a quick way for people to search your site or app directly from the search results page.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Sitelinks search box", click Turn on

  • Click View Google Snippet to check rich results can be generated by your page

7. Frequently asked questions

A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page contains a list of questions and answers pertaining to a particular topic.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "FAQs", click Add FAQs

  • Select which page you want to add FAQs to by clicking page title

  • In page setting, Turn on the toggle to help your FAQs eligible for Google Structure data

  • If you want to show your Question list on your page, click the checkbox “Show FAQs block”.

    • If you don’t want to show your Question list on your page, your questions are still eligible to show on Google search results.

    • Click Go to theme editor to get access to your editor and add a FAQ block to your page.

    • In your theme editor, click Add block to put FAQs block in your preferred position of the page, then click Save

  • You can Add, Edit and Delete all your Question - Answer or reset all to default. You can add maximum of 10 questions in this list

You can also add FAQs to a specific by:

  • Go to On-page SEO audit

  • Select the page you want to add FAQs to

  • Go to FAQs builder and so same set up.

If you're using Avada FAQs, questions and answers are auto-synced from the app. Change content in Avada FAQs.

8. Blog posts & Article

A news, sports, or blog article displayed in various rich result features, such as the title of the article and larger-than-thumbnail images.

  • Go to "Search appearance" -> "Google structured data"

  • In the "Blog posts & articles", click Turn on

  • Click View Google Snippet to check rich results can be generated by your page

Last updated