Instant page

Instant page helps your site's pages load instantly and improve your conversion rate.

Who can use this feature?

  • This feature is available for all users.

Instant Page helps your site load content for users before they even click, delivering an exceptionally responsive browsing experience. This works as a charm since browser provide caching for links that have been preloaded. Once the customer clicks on the page, the HTML content is downloaded from the cache, saving the Initial Server Response time and quickly navigate the page.

This preloading can reduce bounce rates and increase user engagement, signaling to search engines that your site provides valuable content, boosting your SEO efforts.

  1. In "Speed up customization", click Instant page

  2. Turn on Instant page

  3. If you don't want to apply Instant page to a specific page, enter URL in Ignore URLs

  4. Click Save

In some scenario, you may not want to preload links such as: "/account/logout", which causes the customer account to be logged out. These special links are already handled by our app, we will only load links that matter.

Last updated